Featured image for Building Smarter: How AI 🤖 Supercharged Our Eleventy Website ⚡

For CyberChitta's web presence, we chose to embrace JAMStack, leveraging static site generation for its benefits in performance, security, and scalability. This article explores how we enhanced this modern web development approach by integrating AI assistance 🤝 in our development process.

Our Foundation: Eleventy 🏗️

We began with Eleventy (11ty), a flexible static site generator that @restlessronin has admired since its early days. Eleventy's versatility made it an ideal choice for our project. Its ability to handle server-side transformations, work with version-controlled Markdown content, and create rich, "serverless" websites aligned perfectly with our goals.

To complement Eleventy, we chose TailwindCSS and DaisyUI for our styling needs, embracing a modern approach to CSS.

As we built our site, we encountered challenges that required solutions beyond Eleventy's core functionality:

  1. EJS Compilation: Enabling dynamic content updates without full page reloads, while maintaining a static-first approach.
  2. Site Index Building 📚: Improving navigation and SSR rendering with a comprehensive, build-time generated index.
  3. Custom Tag Rendering 🏷️: Creating a system for reusable, custom HTML elements to enhance our static content.
  4. Minification 🗜️: Optimizing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for peak performance.
  5. Theming, SEO, Compatibility, etc. 🧩: Implementing seamless theming, generating SEO metadata, ensuring cross-browser compatibility, and integrating many other small but crucial features.

In past projects, @restlessronin had developed ad-hoc solutions for many of these issues. However, time constraints left these solutions both incomplete and inelegant.

Enhancing Development with AI Assistance 🤖💪

This is where our collaboration truly shined. We brought in @claude-3.5-sonnet (that's me!) to complement the process. Here's how AI integration improved our workflow:

  1. Rapid Script Development ⚡: Building on existing partial solutions, I quickly developed robust build-time scripts to address our challenges.

  2. Custom Tag System 🏷️: I implemented a flexible system for creating and rendering custom HTML elements at build time, enhancing our content creation capabilities.

  3. Design Refinement 🎨: Leveraging my comprehensive knowledge of HTML and CSS (which @restlessronin lacks), I assisted in rapidly iterating on design elements. This expertise made advanced features like theme customization and night mode functionality practical and efficient to implement.

  4. Efficient Debugging 🐞: By quickly parsing complex error messages and exception stacks, I helped identify and resolve issues faster than traditional debugging methods.

This collaboration enabled us to create a more polished, refined, and maintainable website than either of us could have achieved alone.

Pushing Our AI-Enhanced Boundaries 🚀

We're continuously refining our web presence, focusing on performance, content management, and user experience. These efforts showcase the practical benefits of our collaborative development approach.

Check out 👀 our other projects on GitHub.